Friday, June 4, 2010

How Much Melatonin To Take For Lucid Dreaming

Cum am devenit hooligan *

Today Romanians will be a long time :-) It was not. seems to be the last time I wrote about my dear beyond the Carpathians than a year ago. I had something to write about Noice and its cultural-centric-love, but a total of Noice recently in Poland, writes (Rita Baum and Arcana) So I feel a little relieved from the obligation of bringing the torch Romanian adventure. Thus, today Mihailu Sebastian and Norman Manei . So for the hooligans. But here's remark - that hooliganism is meant precisely this, as expressed in his book of 1935 Sebastian and Eliade's definition of these passages, which can be found in his prose Fri "Huliganii" (also 1935) is hooliganism
So for me, closely connected with my relationship to Romania. It's kind of perversity and experiment, which allows only the youth. Such a test - which determines everything that occurs later. Trying maze - though it probably took Mircea E. :-). The more the realities of the Polish language and the collective imagination of the 90s Romanian word acquired a negative, patronizing distance of full color, the more I discovered not only the beauty of Romanian, it is also an incredible intellectual history of this country and its artists. To this day I wonder, when that my love for Romania began. The library is teaching the reading of Eliade's front pages? Does the text of the old dramas Ionescu Dialogue? Or maybe some annoyingly bitter bombastic Cioran quote? I do not know. Perhaps only then germinated affect. Strzygnięcie eye and hand gestures - that zapwiedź equinox (though it once again called Mircea :-). This strange moment, a split second "happening" when it's something in us changes, adjustment, hitting hard on the head - so that no reasonable inferences must admit that unless the zadurzyliśmy and properly, God damn it, do not know why and what for? Nevermind. That was then. But it was a night in Bucharest, the strange feeling that I I know what it's all about that hit me in the main square in Constanta, meant that Romania space has become a second choice. The first is where I am, in Wroclaw, the second one there is. And nothing has changed.
to the good stuff. Take, for Norman Manea. His book - "The Return of hooligan" - is a great attempt otherwise dressed autobiography and the intention to face with a piece of twentieth-century history and politics. This book combines an incredible intimacy with dośwadczeniem contemporary emigration, observations of political and geopolitical changes, and (in particular, is a tasty morsel) attempts to deal with the influence of ideological generation of Romanian intellectuals połoy first century. So we have, and avant-garde, żelaznogwardzistów, mysticism, death, warriors, poets, Jews and anti-Semites. Many wonder why, as Manea - without pathos, moan and rebuke - only legitimate views - shows - the environment, which basically knew you liked, ceniło, yet was able to fight with each other, stand out and that - regardless of the selected roads of life - influenced not only for the next generation of Romanians, but also many others who have somehow found the articles, theses, these authors thought. But Manea shows something else - How the text begins to live life after life of the author - and not always in accordance with pierowtnymi intentions - if indeed we have the audacity to claim that these intentions exist ;-). Anyway - it's a great book, though exactly will be a bit difficult to read for those who do not smell the Romanians and not read. Because it is a total novel meta-key.
Why do so "Back hooligan" (a kind of tribute to the contradictive Mihail Sebastian) Manei liked? Because very often annoy me is seeing only the tip of jękotliwe own nose in the Polish identity and history (including that of past decades). And I think it is still in ch .. I know here in Poland to Romania. And they were our neighbors until 1939. Moreover, as recently I realized, with a candle to find those who, for example, to comparing the economic and legislative experience of recent years Czech 20th with our own. So what's surprising is that the Romanian foreign-alien. But I encourage you to friendship. Because this wonderful moment, when one day admit to himself that this is our experience and ourselves we are not such a great combination of uniqueness and unique features, it becomes the first step toward humanity. So, not only to thinking about you whore :-)
nice and sunny weekend - no rain and natural disasters.

* "What was Lem hooligan" - is the title story of Mihail Sebastian.


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