Well, not quite on time for Christmas but decided it will be the 1-st design I'll show in 2011 :) Just had a little kids illness troubles during Christmas time and my knitting/crochet was the most "suffering" part of a day.
This knitted bottom up dress was made in one piece with only armholes sewing.
It has some kind of corrugations both in top and down part of front,sparkle yarn bows and just LOVE that color combination of christmas red, grey and white!
I'm planning to release pattern for this dress on 2011 Christmas.
Cóż, niezupełnie w porę pokazuję świąteczną sukienkę, but I decided that this will be the first project in 2011 which will put on the blog. The delay was due to health problems of children at the turn of the Old and the New Year and knitting knitting / crocheting suffered this fact probably the most.
dress is made from the bottom, the only part that requires suturing is podkroje armpits.
the front is the colored bars in addition to pleated inset, wrinkling are also in the bottom of the dress, bows and white stripes are made of cotton sheen, but I like most probably a combination of red, gray and white!
I hope this pattern transcribe sukiuenkę so as to make it before Christmas 2011, but the effect probably will review my plans;) Anyway I will do everything in my power to keep the word:)
Please be patient for some exciting news I'm planning it for the first time for the late this week!
Stay tuned!
wait patiently for more exciting news, which I intend to once the first umieścić pod koniec tygodnia!
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