My Dear ...
My dear, by virtue of the fact that every year for Christmas I think of "something" interesting in the form of wishes, this time it's "something" in the short term petit-bourgeois small note card. As for writing a blog, then things are like this: reflections and observations on the world and people I still do not lack, but unfortunately I catch myself more often that once you start to fire panel blog, it overlaps the thought: and on the cholera anyone know? :-). Hence such a different atmosphere not to "PatrycjiBlaum. Well, life goes on, and when we will no longer be, still turn out a little ;-). As it turns out half the words in life are not allowed to say out loud, for the sake of maintaining appearances and the harmony of the world :-). I have (or had "always foul mouth, but I also mist years spiłowała temperament, which kuwa from time to time very sorry. Maybe - I would not, therefore, wish you a revolt and a handful of dynamite-because it sounds pretentious - but I hope that you will standing on the fork in the road - they chose the more difficult, the lack of maps. In spite of "Yadda Yadda-'slurry landrynkowego little world.
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