Saturday, December 11, 2010

Printable Fasfa Forms

pressure drop due to the label Catholic Radio Maryja

world lives leaks disclosed by Wikileaks. I will not judge this phenomenon, suffice it to say that ... I have mixed feelings.

However, one of the released documents frankly amused me. The U.S. dispatches state as follows:
"How can you read in dispatches revealed by Wikileaks, despite the fact that Benedict XVI puts the church in Poland as a model for other countries, not all phenomena in Polish Catholicism considers it desirable. According to the messages the pope "does not trust the Catholic przyczepiajÄ…cym labels, nationalistic and divisive forces of people, such as broadcasting media under the control of Radio Maryja."

Question: Does our "ally for years," wonderful "Uncle Sam" sold to the devil, and hence those "harmful words" or servant of the devil is the Pope (well, he's Szkop! And closest friend that had the grandfather in the Wehrmacht!), and the one true Catholic Church is based in Torun, and the director's father is his prophet?

More here .


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