Our generation has spoken too much of everything. For this reason I decided to choose as subject today, within the orbit of Piauinauta, my experience as a reader of the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, because I subscribe to one for over ten years. There are readers who read your newspaper from cover to cover, this has never happened to me, I am selective. I read the suggestion of titles, headlines, which is somewhat a summary of the content. Sometimes, if I have long been available I venture to make crosswords that never ceases to be a way exercise of neurons. I also appreciate the comic strips, mainly Garfield and Hagar. But I opened up all this. am a former subscriber of the newspaper.
During these ten years I read the sheet and saw my eyes go through texts of various columnists, some have disappeared without a trace, others continue with his column. Never missed any of them, unless of Marilene Felinto columnist, writer of talent and courage, and that it was not long in the newspaper.
But why did I stop to sign the sheet? There was no ideological issue. Perhaps a bit of geographic question, Brazil is huge and this literate culture does not reach everywhere on time, even television. For the dish good programs, and our time zones are varied.
happened that I moved bag and baggage to the city of Rondonopolis in the state of Mato Grosso. I gave my new address for the agency distributes the newspaper in Campo Grande. And waited the paper arrive on time, until I remembered the American films that we saw in the newspaper along with the milk bottle, the messenger left the apartment door early morning. Other times. When the player believe in his newspaper. And advertising will not tow.
The newspaper began to slow. I thought that soon normalize. Nothing. He kept delaying. And when he came was two or three at once. I would not read three newspapers then. would be a redundancy. Because they always say the same things in different editions. Glad that was approaching the end of my signature. Would last another month or so. Spent the month, the newspaper always arriving late. I turned down a new signature. At first I thought it would not get used without reading the newspaper, but I got used. I switched the paper for books. Took the opportunity to reread some classics, to enjoy better your content and I detoxify the default style of the essays in the press. In fact, the newspaper is an outdoor wheel that serves you to peruse, and that irritated me sincerely. I saw those pages and pages and pages full of ads for apartments and condominiums, the forests being destroyed in Brazil. Besides my hands dirty with sticky ink, I felt your evil - smelling exhumed the cops and the appalling headlines diversions of public money by corrupt politicians.
Once canceled my subscription claiming the delay continued, they promised to put everything in order, but it was just talk. It seems that there was no structure for the newspaper to get here daily. A subscriber for them, more or less, not to undermine the level of their signatures, even those who regard because they are not subscribers, advertisers and yes, these are the ones that pay the functioning of the newspaper.
The truth is that, much of our generation, all talk too much, speaks well and speaks badly, without reading the journals. I've hardly read more than newspaper and I will continue talking too much of everything, good and evil. When I want to get more detailed notions of political and social events that take place throughout Brazil and the world enter the online newspapers, internet access. I find The New York Times. Le Monde diplomatique, this two are bad enough. And so without budge house flip through two major newspapers on my desk promptly.
But I will say that I miss the newspaper. Even today I have with me clippings of his writings. Bizarre things that happen in everyday life in Brazil, for flagrant unusual magical realism worthy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which can be sources of literary recreation.
Today newspaper, old media, is at a crossroads, butting heads with the electronic newspaper. This reminds me of an old cartoon in English newspaper USA TODAY published in Folha de Sao Paulo in his old multimedia column. The text is in English, in dialogue form. For clarity, I will describe a little scene. The father is reading a newspaper, the boy is on the computer. The father says: "Junior When You are my age, the price of a stamp Will Be over a dollar." The son asked plugged into the Internet: "What is a stamp?"
So I guess I already said too much. But I still have one thing to say. After more than ten years of newspaper subscribers won as a consolation prize, a book by Sergio Buarque de Holanda - Brazil, Vision of Paradise, to myself, coincidence or not, sounded like a great irony, since today we have Brazil is truly a frightening sight. But daunting than paradise.
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