The democracy is murdered, humiliated. Human rights violated. The terrorism of a state Almighty judge and executed his enemies so cruel, disregards the sovereignty of a country like the sheriff in the yard of others. In what differentiates terrorism from Osama Obama? The more in tune with the global media the single thought will argue the number of innocents killed in the twin towers. Ledge then just the "quality" of the dead twin towers because they look more like the Western dominant culture. Because the amount of dead lower culture dictates is much higher. The hunt for Osama and Saddam did not kill more innocent? It contains, please! 've Forgotten there's video Assenge the Americans play the game killing civilians for fun? And now that the CIA recognizes that used torture in Gualtánamo for information on the whereabouts of Osama, is worth less? Less hypocrisy, Obama supporters!
And here confess my sympathy for Jerome, as a renegade fiercely persecuted for refusing to live in "reserve" Indians, who were claiming the land of his people. Despite being forced to surrender, believing in an agreement with whites, died in prison. Geronimo stood for the extermination of the red skins on American territory. Naming so operation of the elite SEALs Obama thinks terrorists destroyed as their ancestors did to the redskins? Or Obama, with its terrorist act of killing Osama, not stirred reactions over terrorists? Obama has not matched Osama?
S OB killed or imprisoned the S B? For the rest of the letters and actions are so similar, despite the nice guy against the bearded Osama Obama. Until the media and politicians in slips, have exchanged the names of the two.

And please, I have no sympathy for Islam political. I think the longest delay of humanity. Politics is already a complicated section is commanded by religion and, even worse. So I did not see defending Osama, but accusing Obama.
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